Hello, we are Paolo and Daniele, the “star(ter)s” of movement

15 November 2022

Paolo, what do you do?

I design new products and prepare the relevant documents for Daniele to carry out the process of industrialisation.


Daniele, what would you say has been Paolo’s greatest contribution to Motovario?

  • “Ensuring correct use of the technical procedures. Paolo is like a policeman and is very precise.

Everything has to be done just right.”


Paolo, what would you say has been Daniele’s greatest contribution to Motovario?

  • “Daniele handles all the documentation; as soon as it is ready, he turns it into something productive.”


Daniele, would you ever buy a Motovario product?

  • “Definitely, Motovario is a brand leader and its products are of the highest quality.”


And you Paolo, would you buy a Motovario product?

  • "Yes, of course!”
  • Why?
  • “Because I design it and know all about it.”



How would you conclude this interview?

Paolo: "I would conclude by saying that I am proud to have played a part in making what Motovario is today. From day one, I have always been allowed to contribute freely to help the company deal with changes to the best of its ability."


Daniele: "I consider Motovario to be a solid, reliable and serious company rooted in its local area, and this is a source of pride for me. Motovario is not only the beating heart of all applications, it is the beating heart of Formigine.

Motovario is constantly evolving and is different every day, but change doesn't scare me."


Two colleagues, two friends and, for several years, two "Hearts of Motion"

Hello, we are Paolo and Daniele, the “star(ter)s” of movement
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