Motovario Lean CUP Q2, a real quarterly award ceremony with the production department teams taking centre stage

05 August 2022

The SMED team of worm wheel cutting area, won the Lean Cup this quarter.


SMED - Single-Minute (digit) Exchange of Dies, is one of the key terms of Lean production. The goal is to quickly and efficiently structure the set-up of the machines to make it quicker to move to the processing of the next product. This allows for greater flexibility and reduces product lead time to better follow customer demand.



Specifically, the SMED team of worm wheel cutting area carried out detailed analysis of the duration and movements of each work phase.


This analysis made it possible to reduce the tooling time of machinery by 40%, respecting project deadlines.


Well done to:

Davide Serri, Romano Leonelli, Gianluca Monari, Daniele Bonetti, Stefano Ottani, Maurizio Marconi, Giacobazzi Marco, Claudio Ribezzo, Alessio Gambuzzi, Abslam Azrou, Pier Paolo Prandini, M’Barek Wirhlani, Fabio Benassi, Amedeo Di Meglio, Maurizio Guerzoni, Paolo Ferrari, Alfonso Del Giudice

Motovario Lean CUP Q2, a real quarterly award ceremony with the production department teams taking centre stage
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